Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blogs can die, but can they be brought back?

It has been about a year and a half since my last post here, so if you are picking this up in your feed reader..


Clean that thing out once and a while! Have you not noticed that this blog has officially died?

While this blog was originally built to get my my first job in PR, and it worked, I got tired of advising clients about blogging all day, just to come home and do my own blogging. I've still be very active in other blogs and social networks, just not here. If you want to test out your google skills, feel free to see what other projects I've been up to for the past year and a half. I'm not keeping any secrets, I just decided to draw a line between work and play. My lack posts here doesn't mean that I haven't been playing around in other blogs and having some fun.

On to this blog's rebirth..

I was asked by my boss about if I had ever thought about restarting this blog, as he was probably one of my first few readers when I began with this experiment. I hadn't given too much thought about it, but am feeling like I still have a lot to say about social media, PR and being a 20-something in Boston but need a new megaphone to play with.

The gears are turning and I've got a few ideas.

Stay tuned peeps.

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