Wednesday, June 14, 2006

When it is not all about quantity

Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore

Sure, search engines love blogs, and the more posts you create, the more that is available for Google to dig through. Some blogs even follow The New York Times motto to posting, all the news that is fit to print. When you are posting your news on the internet, EVERYTHING fits.

I probably run across dozens of blog-worthy items every day, but the last think I want to become is a unmanageable database of every blog-worthy thought I've ever had. I've had to unsubscribe from several blogs and podcasts just because I couldn't find enough hours in the day to stay on top of every post, but then again, not every blog expects its readers to keep up with every single post, I'm sure engadget doesn't.

So, while I must admit that my posts have gotten a little skimpy in the past few weeks since my move out of Syracuse, I hope that my posts are infrequent enough to give you digestible little bites of my life as a beginner in the PR industry and my thoughts on new media.

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