Friday, July 28, 2006

Best Week Ever

This has been a pretty busy week, hence my rather disappointing posting performance. Sorry about that everyone, but other ventures have taken me away from my laptop for a brief period.

Sunday I completed my first triathlon, check out my flickr page for a few pictures shot by my gracious girlfriend. Monday I received a pretty awesome birthday present of being offered an internship position at Louis Paul & Partners’ life science practice, which I accepted shortly thereafter.

Now I am on an Amtrak train headed from Boston to Hartford to meet up with my big brother for his bachelor party and maybe spend some time with a few hometown friends this weekend.

I am very excited to see the end of my employment drought as well as being able to share my experience as an LPP intern. WOOT WOOT! Expect to hear my first day reactions once I start on August 14.

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